Wednesday, 27 June 2007

I'm not too good at the moment.

Unfortunately I'm not too good at the moment. I haven’t really felt 100% for a couple of weeks. I raced last Saturday and ran terribly. I was nearly a minute and a half down on what I would have wanted to be doing. Went to the Doctor who says I have some kind of virus and I’m suffering from fatigue. He's referred me to a specialist with experience working with sports people.

Having taken a few days off and I’m back running but I won’t be pushing myself 100% for the next week at least. Unfortunately the slightest illness knocks a lot out of you when you’re training hard, and although its not enough to stop me completely its taking longer to recover from sessions which aren't as fast as they should be anyway! Hopefully it'll pass quickly as I don't like to be indoors, you feel precious time is being wasted whilst everyone else is out putting the miles in…