Monday, 24 September 2007

Thursday 20th September

Training Report:

Wednesdays sessions went well again, two 45 minute runs and a gym session. I was buzzing with the way the training was going and how fast and strong I was feeling. However Thursday was a different matter, my gentle 20 - 30 minute morning run was a real struggle but I felt fine within myself so set off to do my pm session of 3 x 2 miles on the road. I felt tired on my warm up which was a bad sign, but kept going and a mile into my first rep my back began to stiffen up so I stopped to stretch it out. My body was glad to stop; it felt tired and I had lost all motivation to run. I jogged back to the track feeling quite sorry for myself! As the evening progressed I started to develop a sore throat and woke up Friday morning with a full blown cold. In many ways it was a relief it was just a sniffle that had left me tired and nothing more. Having learnt a valuable lesson earlier in the summer I again took the weekend off. Just doing some stretching and eating and drinking to get the cold out of my system. A second weekend off is very frustrating but its better to miss two or three days than 1 or 2 weeks.

Thursday 20th September

Training Report:

Tuesday 18th September

Training Report:

Having done an hour and a half run on the Monday following my weekend off I was feeling back to my old self so set about my normal track session. 8 x 800 meters with a minutes recovery. Having struggled the week before with a similar session I was a little wary of my lap times. However I felt relaxed and strong throughout running 1 to 2 seconds inside my goal pace and finished the session feeling that I could have done more, which is a very good sign.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Thursday 13th September

Training Report:

After a slow run in the morning I completed a tempo round Richmond park. A ten minute slow warm up run followed by twenty minutes of hard solid running at around 10k pace and a fifteen minute warm down. Unfortunately a stray deer on the path slowed me down. I wasn't feeling great, my legs felt heavy and I wasn't finishing the tempo section of the run feeling that I could have kept going. I had run well on Wednesday but my track session on Tuesday was tougher than it should have been. I took the decision to do a more gentle session on Friday and have the weekend off. Terrible I know! But I was beginning to feel a little run down (no pun intended!) and felt my mind as well as my body could do with a little break. Possibly I upped the intensity of my Monday and Wednesday gym sessions too much and paid for it the next day. Its very difficult walking that tightrope between pushing your body, which you always want to do in order to get better and better results, and pushing it that bit too much and having the training you do actually have a negative effect on your progress. Needless to say I had a very enjoyable, 'normal' weekend for once!

Monday 10th September

Training Report:

Having successfully upped my mileage I felt it was important to start re-introducing better quality and more intense gym
sessions into my programme. I'm not a big fan of gym work, I can rattle off a 20 x 400 metre track session no problem but my concentration span does not run to picking up a weight 12 times and putting it back down! I try to do exercises that work the specific muscles I use whilst running and today it was the turn of the core muscles, which amongst other things are important
in helping maintain a good running posture. By the end of the day I was shattered, two steady 45 minute runs interspersed with a two hour gym session. Added to this was an hour and a half coaching session I do with my club for kids aged between 6 and 10 years old. Unsurpisingly I was in bed before 9:30!

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Saturday 8th September: Surrey Road Relay Champs

Result - 6th

Race Report:

A 6 legged, 3 mile loop around Wimbledon that ran past the famous lawn tennis club, tacking in a steep climb away from the courts, followed by a steep descent into Wimbledon park. Today I acted as Epsom's team manager and as such allowed my men to choose what leg they wished to run. This left me on last, unfortunately by the time I started the field was so spread out I didn't see a soul all the way round, so effectively it was a time trial against the clock. I managed the sixth fastest time of the day and was only 15 seconds away from the second quickest, which was pleasing as all the athletes ahead of me were all involved in battles with one another.

Friday 7th September

Training Report:

This week has been tough. My legs have been quite tired and sore from the Dryhill 10 race. Lots of stretching and ice baths have helped, but it was a week where slower recovery runs were the order of the day rather than anything of real quality. By Thursday I was ready to give my legs a proper spin in preparation for the weekend. A session of 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 minute repetitions was set and my legs felt a lot better, but just lacked their normal bounce and zip.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Sunday 2nd September: Race Dry Hill 10 miles

Result - 1st

Race Report:

With the cross country season fast approaching and a planned half marathon in early October, the Dry Hill 10 was the perfect race to incorporate both. Run mainly off road on muddy tracks and ploughed fields it was going to be a good test of my strength. Add to this a healthy number of steep climbs and an extremely testing race was assured. I decided to go off quite hard so immediately hit the front, and that was the last time I saw any of the opposition. I could hear the second placed man's footsteps till the 4 mile point but didn't turn round to look, you can't show signs of weakness! A near sprint down a steep decline and I was out of ear shot and able to relax and push on to the finish. I completed the course in 58.26 which is not that fast for 10 miles but when you take into account the under foot conditions and extremely undulating course it was a pleasing solo run, which I hope shows signs of promise for future races.

Friday 31st August

Training Report:

The madness of a long distance runner is never more evident than when completing a hill session on your own. Find the steepest hill that's 200 to 300 meters long and run up it 12 times! Strange looks from dog walkers and the horse riders' favourite quip, 'Its easier on the back of one of these' told me the session must be doing me some good! When it was over all that remained was the run back to the car, which is actually the part I find most difficult! I do hate a warm down.

Tuesday 28th August

Training Report:

Training 8 x 600. A strange session tonight, what was to be a nice relaxed session in which I was meant to feel strong and relaxed throughout turn into quite a hard run thanks to a killer stitch across my diaphragm that joined me after the first rep. I felt the exact opposite of how I should, weak and tight. Unable to take a full breath the lack of oxygen soon hit my legs, so a bit of a nightmare. Thankfully I hit all my target times even if my state at the end was not what I would have hoped. Did it do me any harm? I hope not! Did it do me any good? Who knows!