Wednesday, 18 June 2008

9th-13th June: Epsom Race Week

Race Report:

Having talked with my coach I decided that participating in this week of races would do me the world of good. I had laid a good race foundation on Saturday and I knew that what was needed was a few race paced runs. This would improve both my leg speed and my endurance, particularly over the final quarter, which is where I felt my fitness was lacking on Saturday.
I really enjoy this series, it's very relaxed and low key. I enjoy all the courses as they cover most of my usual training routes. Also I know most of the courses like the back of my hand and this familiarity really helps me perform well, and for what ever reason the god's always bless us with amazing weather. I guess the race organiser slips them a cheeky fiver!

The series consists of three conventional races, then a time trial, finishing with a handicap race, with the premise of every competitor crossing the line simultaneously! I've never seen it happen, and doubt it ever will, but it would be great to see a couple of hundred runners all hitting the finish as one, it would be brilliant mayhem.
I had two club mates who kept me more than honest each day. I felt really pleased with how my speed endurance was improving. I also worked on picking up the pace during the last five minutes, which seemed to work well as I was on my knees at the finish most nights.

I managed to build up a bit of the lead over the week, which led to me having my only below par run on Friday's handicap. My two club mates set of half a minute ahead, and were both spurred on by their own battle for second. This meant I ran one of the loneliest races I've ever done. I didn't see a sole for most of the race, apart form two supporters, who were supposed to be friends, who took great delight in informing me I was dead last and was rubbish! How nice of them.
Other than that one race, which actually wasn't really that bad even though I was third from last over the line, I was well pleased with how the week went. I felt strong and fast throughout most days and felt I coped well with heavy legs during the final few days. It's really given me a confidence boost that I can take into my training over the next few weeks and it can only have helped improve my fitness levels.

A great week, other than nearly being a Rottweiler's lunch during Wednesday nights race. Of course it was my fault for running in a park rather than the dog owners for not keeping it under control. I do not however want to talk about my hatred for dog owners that don't control their dogs and wouldn't even dream of saying sorry for their dog jumping up at you, bearing it's teeth, because he's 'only playing'. Once I open that can of worms they'll be no stopping me. Maybe I'll save that for my next blog!

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