Wednesday, 19 December 2007
10th - 16th December
This week has been very quiet, I'm well into my winters training, and (touch wood) I still seem to be making good progress.
The cold spell we've been having makes my morning runs a lot more enjoyable, but tends to make my evening sessions a little harder. Running first thing, with the morning sun, and faint fog of my breath steaming out ahead of me, seems to make me feel more aware of who I am and what I'm doing and at this time of year makes you really feel that Christmas spirit. On the other hand, once darkness descends and you're forced to pound the pavements things don't seem so fun.
From a running point of view most of my harder sessions are in the evening and great lung fulls of cold air don't tend to make the whole oxygen intake thing a pleasure. Add to this the feel good Christmas spirit manifesting itself in neon signs of bells swinging and inflatable snowmen perched precariously on roof tops, and it all seems hard work, especially when I could be at home in front of the fire eating mince pies!
Like the Glassworks clan I to went away for the weekend. Unlike the hedonistic adventures that awaited them in Amsterdam I headed for a chocolate box cottage on the Isle of Wight! A change of scene is always good, and as much as I love my tried and tested loops from home it does tend to get a little repetitive, so new roads and trails are always an exciting change.
I reckon on my weekend I gave the Glassworks lot a run for their money on who could eat the most, I'm a hundred percent sure they drank the most, and as for what went on into the wee small hours, I was glad to be in bed with a cuppa tea! That's my full time athlete head talking, my party boy head gets me into way to much trouble!
Sunday 9th December: Hogg's Back Road Race
Race Report:
The Hogg's Back road race was my next challenge. An eight mile race that includes a climb well over a mile in length half way into the race. My race didn't start well. For the first mile I felt tired and heavy legged and slightly uninterested in racing hard. But after an undulating second mile I began to feel stronger and got myself into a rhythm and began working hard. I worked my way through to third place by the time I reached the summit of the Hogg's Back. I could see second place ahead but the guy out front was in a class of his own on the day, and was out of sight. For the next two miles I slowly inched my way closer to second, and I really felt that I could catch him in the last two miles. Unfortunately I hadn't accounted for the leader tiring slightly and coming back into view. That was the carrot my opponent needed, and he pulled away from me a little in the last two miles instead. I was happy to finish third and felt it was a strong performance. I had passed six miles in close to a personal best for the 10k which is 6.2 miles in old money on a course not compliant with fast times. So I headed into Guildford town centre happy with my weekend's work, but I'll be well prepared for the the truly hard battle that is Christmas shopping!
Saturday 8th December: Bansted Woods
Race Report:
I decided to turn up to one of my favourite race series: the UK Time trials, and headed for my most local run held in Bansted Woods. With an eight mile race on Sunday I was looking for more of a tempo run rather than an all out race, but my competitive side easily got the better of me when I spotted a face on the start line I recognised from my junior days and I knew if I wanted to win and gain something of a scalp I was going to have to run hard.
Sure enough it was a fast race, I decided to fall back slightly in the hope that he might relax a little and the pace would slow but it wasn't to be. On the second of the two laps I worked hard up a tricky hill to draw level, then waited till we hit the long slope back to the finish to make my move. Thankfully I had enough leg speed down the hill to move clear and held onto the finish to win by five seconds. Having wanted an easy run I managed to produce my fastest time trial time on the most difficult of all the courses and in wet slippery conditions. I even manage to dip under the course record.
Monday 3rd - Friday 7th December
Having survived the storms that plagued me for my long run on Sunday morning it was with great relief that Monday brought - joy of joys! - a rest day. Once every two weeks I am embraced by a day in which the world is my oyster, I don't need to worry about running, my life does not have to fit in around my training, I can go anywhere do anything and meet anyone. So I spent the day in bed! What a waste I hear you cry! For many it may seem to be a waste, but for me sleeping is more than just something that all human kind must partake in in order to survive, it is something of a hobby. Whenever I can, I partake in this most enjoyable of past times, much to the annoyance of family, friends and most notably girlfriends!
I once read an article by a wise old man - sadly I forget his name, but that is unimportant - he wrote that rest and recovery is more important than the actual act of training itself - hallelujah! Since that day I have been a hugely vocal advocate of this notion, when I'm not sleeping of course! Its also given me a valid reasoning for being a tad lazy and sleeping as much and as often as I can get away with!
I did manage to raise myself from my slumber to do some training this week, and I'm happy to report I'm back training well and with the same enthusiasm as I had a couple of weeks ago. Tuesdays speed work was greatly improved, 5 x 1200 meters were knocked out easily. Wednesday's long runs were made all the more enjoyable for the company of a training partner for once, which made sure the wind and rain had little effect on my mental focus, I also secretly quite enjoyed getting covered in mud from head to toe. On Thursday I was feeling so good I headed back to Box Hill for the first time since I ran so hard I could actually not remember what I'd done! This time I dealt with it slightly better. I got very tired and worked very hard but I remembered how many times I ran up the hill: five! Not many but at three minutes each time, up the steepest hill for many a mile, I was satisfied that it was enough! Generally a good week and I'm confident i'm back on the up after my two week plateau.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Monday 26th Nov - Sunday 2nd Dec
After my strange week of feeling lethargic but running well - when I actually made it out the house, that is! - things only got slightly better. I was getting up and it was still technically the morning, which was a big plus(!), but I was still feeling a little lacklustre and to be honest I didn't really want to be out running. I managed all my planned sessions I just wasn't running as well as I had done. My Tuesday night's speed work didn't flow as it had done before. I struggled a little to hit my targets and it was all way too much huff and puff. Wednesday was a little better, I didn't run that fast but I did enjoy it and felt fine before and after both runs.
That evening I had a sports massage and my masseuse came up with a possible explanation for what i'd been experiencing. Having got back from LA the night before he had a captive audience for all his holiday gossip, especially as he managed to find a real sore spot on my calf and it was all I could do to breathe let alone tell him any of my goss! Once he'd finished divulging his holiday news and had made me green with envy (maybe that was due my lack of oxygen intake!) he finished with, '..and the weather was magnificent 20 plus degrees and bright sunshine, I hear the weather here has been...', being the polite guy I am lets just say his choice of adjective was not to complementary of our very British weather!!
After discussing this weather issue he hit upon the idea that I could have been suffering from 'seasonal affective disorder', and the daily ritual of heading out in damp dull conditions was making me feel less enthusiastic than normal for my training. Which brings us to Thursday, and it was as if someone had been listening! The sun was shining, the sky was blue and I did three sessions in one day and felt fantastic. My energy and enthusiasm were back with a bang. Whether the sun actually cured any 'disorder' I may have had, or whether I'd been able to trick my mind into believing I'd found a reason my poor training and been given the cure the very next morning I'm not sure, I could take a guess but I really don't want to offend my masseuse and his diagnosis, he can quite easily cause me a lot of pain!
Friday I ran well again in glorious sunshine, Saturday was a little dull but I still felt good, but the less said about Sunday's wind, rain and what ever else felt like falling from the sky the better!
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November
This week's training has been a little odd for me. All week I've felt quite tired and lethargic. I haven't really been rushing to put my trainers on and race out of the door like normal. It has been a real struggle to get the motivation and energy to actually do any training. Due to this I only did one session each day, I wasn't a completely lazy so and so, and did a lot of stretching and mobility exercises as well as some core work, but in terms of the really good stuff I only did the minimum each day.
As I left each day to go running I had the feeling that each session was going to hurt, that I was going to struggle to complete my speed sessions, run at a decent pace on my long runs and that I wasn't really going to have too much fun. Happily, however the contrary was true of every session. Despite feeling very sluggish before and after each session, whilst I was actually running I felt great. Two loops of Richmond Park felt easy in well under and hour and a half. Tuesday's speed session of 15 x 300 metres, which mentally I was dreading because of my lack of enthusiasm as well as the monotony of a high rep number session, I was fine. I was three seconds quicker than planned each go, which does add up! And I managed to hit my increased target pace for my final three with ease.
I did another track session on Thursday, 4 x 2000 metres and again felt strong, relaxed and very comfortable with what I was doing. Which all made the lacklustre way I felt just an hour after the session very confusing. I was expecting the way I felt all week to result in a dip in form, not an increase!
On Friday I went away to Birmingham to visit a friend, and the couple of days away seems to have refreshed me. Running in a new area is always quite fun, you head out the door and have no clue as to where you're going to go, you make it up as you go along, which makes each run feel a bit like an adventure! And as long as you manage to avoid the dodgy end of town you're fine!
Perhaps I was finding the routes I take at home were making me feel a bit stale mentally, and a quick breaks left me with a new freshness for my training. But what ever it was - touch wood - it seems to have gone. I feel a lot more like the Will I was seven days ago. Whether that is actually a good or bad thing only my friends and family can say!
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
South of the Thames 5 Miles
Race Report:
I was keen to do well in this race which holds some prestige and has a long history in the cross country calendar. It was first held in 1888 so has seen many runners come and go over the years, including Gary Staines, 1988 Olympic 5000m finalist and silver medallist at the 1990 European Championships and Steve Ovett, 1980 Olympic 800m Gold medallist and world record holder at both the mile and 1500 metres.
Perhaps the race doesn't have the depth of quality in the field as in athletics 'hay days' but it's still a race deserving respect. It started off at a very quick pace thanks to a long downhill stretch. I was eager to get into contention from the start and got into the lead group of five from the gun. The pace eased a little but we were still working quite hard as we made the climb back up to start the second lap.
The group was down to three, and I was still feeling good. I had decided to wait until we got to the long downhill section to make a break for it. Unfortunately one of the group had the same idea and hit the front harder and sooner than I had planned. I felt like I was sprinting at full pelt as I pursued him down the hill. The change of pace had taken me away from the opponent in third but had left me detached from the leader. My legs were coping with the race ten times better than they had the last time I trained hard into a race. But there was little they could do to get me back up to the front and I finished more than pleased with my second place. To finish second to an athlete that was racing in Holland the previous weekend, where he was representing the south of England really shows me that I'm reaching new levels of competitiveness, and I know I'm running better than ever before.
Sunday 11th - Friday 16th November
Having run so well in the race on Saturday, I woke up Sunday morning feeling washed out and exhausted. I had to flake out of my planned long run and went back to bed. I'd learnt my lesson from my summers fatigue syndrome and was content to take the day off, I was due one on Monday anyway so I just decided to switch the days around. I also managed to not feel the strange guilt that hits you if you miss a session and was happy to sleep it off until late in the afternoon!
I knew I'd done the right thing as I was back to my old self on Monday. My hour and forty minute run came and went. I was pleased with the continued improvement of my concentration levels. I was focused purely on my running for the majority of that time, instead of going into dream world fantasising about Olympic glory and chocolate cake!
For Tuesday's track session I was interested to see how my legs would deal with a speed session only twenty four hours after running sixteen plus miles on them. I was pleasantly surprised. We were set 5 x 1000 metres and again we set faster lap times for the first and last reps to recreate a race tempo. Having hit the faster first rep splits I slowly sped up during the session until I was running close to the times of my supposed faster rep. I'd made a rod for my own back as my coach took delight in demanding that I was at least 2 seconds a lap quicker for the final go. I was pleased to run 2 and a half seconds quicker for him!
Although I had a race on Saturday I decided to keep my training load high. I wanted to see if I could deal with running on tired legs any better than I'd done three weeks ago. So I kept the quality and quantity high. Two ten mile runs on Wednesday, one with a twenty minute fast tempo run shoved in the middle. I did three sessions on Thursday, two relaxed forty minute runs and a hill session. Friday was a very easy thirty minutes and a ten minute jog with some strides. And I was ready to see how my legs would cope...
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Saturday 10th Nov: Epsom Downs Surrey League Cross Country
Race Report:
I was really looking forward to the race, my legs felt fresh and ready to go and I was really mentally focussed on running hard and performing well. Living a stone's throw from Epsom Downs I knew the course like the back of my hand and knew exactly where I was going to make surges in order to test my opposition, where I could ease back, and where all the tight twists and humps were so I could attack them and gain an advantage. I got a good start for once and hit the front after a hundred metres. After about three hundred metres there was a tight turn followed by a long down hill stretch through long grass and into the wind. I made my first attack going into the corner and down the hill. Whether the opposition weren't expecting it so soon into the race I don't know, but I managed to gap the field straight away.
I was running fast but felt comfortable and grew in confidence having broken away so quickly and so soon. I extended my lead throughout the rest of the first lap. Surging and easing back where I had planned. On the second lap I pulled slightly further ahead but it became more of a tempo run than a race. I didn't have anyone to push me hard so I got a little lazy as the hard work was already done. I finished just under a minute ahead of the second placed runner who had beaten me at the Silverstone Half Marathon which had been one of my best races. I was really pleased with how it all went, I was really focussed throughout even though I backed off a little during the second lap, and it was the strongest and most controlled I'd felt during a race for a while. It will be interesting to compare how I felt in this race to how I'll feel during next week's race, which I'll run after a full hard weeks training.
Monday 5th - Friday 9th November
Having trained really hard for the last three weeks, upping both my mileage and the intensity of some of my sessions, this week's training was cut back. It's important to let my body recover from all the training I've been doing, especially as I've increased my mileage and it takes time for the body to adjust to this. The theory is that after three weeks of increased mileage you cut it back by half for a week, keeping the quality speed sessions as they had been in the previous weeks. Then next week I go back to the same mileage as before and then up it again for another two weeks and then we start the cycle all over again.
It was a really interesting week, each day my legs began to feel fresher. I noticed a real difference during my Tuesday session of 8 x 800 metres. As well as feeling strong and smooth throughout my leg speed was really good. My coach decided to make me run my first and last reps four seconds a lap faster than the rest. This was in order to simulate race conditions in which you go off hard at the start to gain your position, then slip back into your race pace, then quickening the speed to ensure a strong finish. The rest of the week was a breeze and by Thursday I had to keep telling myself to ease back on my easy runs as my legs just really wanted to run fast!
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Sunday 4th November: Hell Runner
Race Report:
Hell Runner is a race that takes a lot of its inspiration from fell races, but rather than one long climb and descent it hits you with what must have been well over twenty short sharp hills on varying terrain, including sand, mud and large rocks. And just to spice things up there are three water sections, one invitingly called the bog of doom! Having never competed in a race like this I was a little anxious as to how I would fare.
The first three to four miles were relatively easy going, not unlike many cross country races I've done before. But for the remaining seven miles the terrain worsened. With climbs that you had to use your hands to scramble up and rocky descents that I would normally look at and run away from! I ran really well and enjoyed the whole painful experience. I was running with the winner until the four mile point. He was an experienced professional fell runner from the Lake District, well used to this sort of race. It was the descents where his experience over me really told. I could keep with him on the flat and up the climbs but he was a lot braver or should it be foolish at running down hill at speed over uneven, near vertical descents. The water sections really sapped the energy right out of my legs. I hit the first water section feeling relatively bouncy and twenty metres later I wondered if my legs had the power to climb the hill that grated you on your exit!
I finished a minute down on the winner in second place, and was well pleased to be so close after eleven miles of running against a more experienced and better prepared runner. However I have promised my legs that I won't go near a hill for a while!
Saturday 3rd November: Reigate Priory Cross Country Relays
A fast 2.5 mile 6 legged relay, on an interesting course consisting of a couple of steep climbs and one long downhill section. I chose to go off on the second leg, hoping to be in contact with the leaders, with the intention of using them as targets and avoiding the scrum of flying elbows that occurs on the first leg. I set off in eleventh place twenty metres down on a guy I had some hard races against in the previous cross country season. We both moved through the finish well but frustratingly the gap remained the same throughout. I had moved the team up to third and ran the fifth fastest leg of the day. I was slightly disappointed but I was only sixteen seconds off the fastest leg, and I was aware that I was lacking a little bit of speed as my training has been aimed at races of twice the distance and more, but it was a good work out and I hoped it had warmed me up for Sundays race.
Monday 29th October - Friday 2nd November
Training went well again this week, I got some good milage in my legs on Monday and Wednesday averaging about 16 miles each day. My Tuesday speed session didn't go as well as they have done in the past. The session was 3 x 2000 metres on the track. The first rep went well and I was hitting my 400 metre lap times dead on, the second set started to get hard at the halfway point and I averaged one second off my set lap times, the last rep was really hard and I was four seconds down for each split, which doesn't sound much but it adds up and meant that I was twenty seconds off the pace. It could have been down to the increased mileage I've been doing, but I felt the real culprit was the temperature. I could almost feel it getting colder throughout the session. It also started to cause my right hip flexor to seize up which wasn't going to help matters.
I was speaking with my coach and we were thinking of a few ideas to help me. We felt that a face mask, like the ones bike riders wear to protect them from car fumes may help as the main problem is taking in big gulps of cold air, the colder it gets the less I'm able to take in with each breath. And as getting as much oxygen as possible into the body, particularly the legs, is the key to running well, taking in less is a problem. Whether I go through with it remains to be seen. After wearing a ladies vest last week I don't know if wearing some strange face mask would exactly make me the coolest guy in town! But I guess if it helps... Thursday's speed session was eased back for my two races over the weekend, and Friday was just a couple of easy runs with some relaxed strides at the end to get my legs feeling a bit fresher than they did last weekend.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
East Surrey League Cross Country
Race Report:
With the race being held in Lloyd Park in Croydon - my favourite cross country course and home to the Surrey Championships in January - I was looking forward to tackling the mud for the first time this season. Unfortunately I didn't have a very professional build up to the race. I'd ordered new cross country spikes in the week, but they hadn't arrived, so I was forced to use my track spikes which wasn't ideal. And I also managed to forget to pack my club vest. Fortunately one of my team mates had a spare, unfortunatley it was a lady and a petite lady at that! Let's just say it was something of a snug fit! I'm quite often the butt of a lot of jokes at my club, but I now know my fate is sealed, probably for the rest of my life, as the fastest cross dresser in the land! The race went ok. I finished second less than thirty metres adrift. My legs had felt very tired, especially on the hills, a result of a hard weeks training and for sure my Box Hill session. But my time over the course shows some progress which is encouraging. I promise one of these days I'll do a race where everything's perfect. Maybe not next week as I'm planning on training hard all week again, but fingers crossed for the week after!
Tuesday 23rd October
Another great week's training. Even though I had a race on Saturday I decided to keep my training load high, with the race being of a lesser importance to other races coming up. If I was to ease back for every race I've got on in the next few months I'd be doing no training at all! My enjoyment for my steady state runs is really growing at the moment. They use to be more of an ordeal, a means to an end, I know it's a bit corny but I'm enjoying watching the changes in the seasons, especially in the crisp bright mornings we've been having.
Right, enough of the sissy stuff back to the hard graft! I found Tuesday's track session a little harder than I expected. I think it was manly due to it being the first really cold evening I've done speed work on. I find the cold air effects my breathing quite a lot, as well as it causing the muscles to be slightly tighter than normal. Having kept my mileage high during the weeks my legs were already a little tired by Thursday, so in my wisdom I decided to tackle what was to be one of the hardest sessions I've ever done. I drove over to Box Hill on the South Downs to do a hill repetition session. An old coach had recommended it to me as it was much longer and steeper than the hills I had been using. By long I mean it took close to two minutes to reach the summit, when normally I'm going up hill for forty five seconds, and by steep I mean I watch walkers struggling to walk down the hill let alone up it. I loved the session; I have done nothing like it before. I was on my knees after only two runs. I kept going and got so exhausted that I've no idea how many times I actually ran up the damn thing. Five? Six? Seven? Your guess is as good as mine. After my final run I must have looked like a drunk. My legs struggled to keep me upright and I was so fatigued and light headed I was staggering from left to right. I managed a warm down but was still in such a state that I didn't want to drive home, and I knew I had to eat something. The only place to go was a bikers' fast food cafe at the bottom of the hill. I haven't had burger and chips for a long time and don't really enjoy them but this burger tasted like heaven! My theory for sessions like that has got to be 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', I hope so anyway!
Monday, 22 October 2007
Tuesday 16th - Saturday 20th October
Training for the rest of the week went really well. It was probably the best week I've had. Tuesday's track session of 4 x 1600 metres was a breeze. I felt strong and relaxed doing two ten mile runs on Wednesday. Thursday was a punishing hill session on Epsom Downs and an easy evening run. Friday's 5 and 8 mile runs went well. By this time of the week I'm normally tired making small changes to my schedule, with regards to the intensity that I would complete a run in, as well as that runs total distance and would wish away the rest of the week so I could take a rest come Monday. But I was enjoying every run, I sometimes felt tired during the sessions but once I was finished and had refuelled all I could think about was the next one. Saturday's tempo session was hard, a 1.5 mile loop followed by a 3 mile loop and to finish another 1.5 mile loop, all at a solid tempo speed of my 5k race pace for the shorter loops and my 10k pace for the longer one. My confidence in my running and fitness continues to grow almost daily, and I'll take the occasional bad race if I can get a week's training like that again, but only the very occasional one!
Monday 15th October
After being so disappointed by my race in Cardiff, training was the last thing I really wanted to do. My legs didn't fancy it either as they had seized up on the drive home. My quads had got very tight so I just did some light stretching and had a hot bath and I slept for most of the afternoon. I knew I had to stop feeling sorry for myself and although I'd had a bad race - and that it was ultimately my mistake that caused it - these things happen and I'd learnt a good lesson. The poor showing had nothing to do with my fitness and if anything it showed I'm in good form, producing a solid run in bad circumstances. So at nine o'clock I pulled on my shoes and headed out for a twenty minute recovery run. Every thing felt back to normal, having run for seventy one minutes in Cardiff and not really enjoyed a second of it I knew twenty minutes wasn't enough and that the pace wasn't as quick as I wanted to go, so the recovery run soon turned into a forty minute tempo session. I was enjoying running and Cardiff was long forgotten.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
13th October: Race weekend
I travelled up to Cardiff on Friday afternoon and took advantage of the gym, pool and spa at the hotel as soon as we arrived to stretch out my muscles from the journey. For once I didn't stay in a Travelodge and enjoyed the extra benefits of the facilities, feeling that they would have a positive impact on my race. Saturday was a gentle 20 minutes with some strides to get the legs turned over and some more stretching in the gym and relaxation in the pool and spa.
I felt ready for the race. My final act of Saturday was dinner for which I made a bad choice. I had macaroni cheese which sounds fair enough, but the cheese sauce was very thick and creamy. Having recently cut down on my dairy intake the rich sauce was a bit to much for my stomach. I woke up feeling sick and a bit lethargic, not a good sign. I was nearly sick as I walked over to the start, again not a good sign. My warm up was ok so I started at 69 minute pace. It felt ok and I was comfortable in a group in third place. As we went out to Cardiff Bay the wind was in our faces so I took a back seat in the group and waited until the turn where I up the pace and my legs felt good. My only problem was I still felt sick and all I could think about was this macaroni cheese which was not helping me at all. By mile 8 I began to fade as my stomach was still not feeling great and I slipped to 5th place.
The rest of the miles I ticked over drinking water in an attempt to settle my stomach and to try and up my pace to sub 5.20 minute miles, but it just wasn't happening. I finished in 71.28 which is a 2 minute personal best but I had hoped for a lot more and knowing I was in shape to do it added to my frustration of the mistake I made at dinner. It's another lesson learnt in thinking more about what you consume especially the night before a race. Don't just go on what looks good on the page especially if its quite different for the type of foods you've been consuming normally. I just thought "pasta that'll do"! I don't think I'll eat it again for a while. I'm very disappointed and a little disheartened by the last two races which have promised so much and yet delivered so very little. I cant wait for the cross country season to kick in and I can take my frustrations out over the mud and hills...
Friday 12th October
This week's training has been very relaxed and easy in order to get me in good shape for the Half Marathon on Sunday. Other than Tuesday and Thursday I reduced my runs to just one a day and on Wednesday they were between three quarters and half my normal distances and were eased back on the intensity of each session. Tuesday's track session was slightly more intense than the week before but this was compensated by a much more relaxed final speed session on Thursday.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Sunday 7th October: 10k Race
The weather was perfect, no wind and the air temperature was warm. I was excited as it was the national championships and there would be a stella field. I knew the top boys would be well in front but also knew the quality of the field would be good enough to pull me round to a good time. Unfortunately my race was ruined by a ridiculous situation at the start and I knew all chances of a big personal best were gone in the first kilometre...
As the field contain over 1000 runners the officials decided to move the faster runners to a different start to enable them to get away cleanly. Due to a mix up with where the faster runners had to congregate I found myself towards the back of the group, but as there were only 50 to 100 runners I was not too bothered as I knew they would get away quickly and I could get to my pace after a few seconds. However we were funnelled down from a dual carriage way to a single carriage as we started which slowed me down. Then after 20 metres the masses joined as from a 90 degree angle and all hell let loose. It was like a stampede. One of the top female runners in the country was tripped and smashed her hand and knee on a flying barrier knocked over by the joining runners. She was a couple of metres ahead and because there was suddenly a barrier with an athlete slumped on top it caused all the runners in front of me to slow. The runners to my right away from the accident streamed past as did the masses to my left. By the time I got running I was in about 400th place with a sea of runners ahead.
Between 3 and 4k I had finally cleared most of the runners, and by 5k I had reached the back of a group that were travelling at a good pace. I sat in with them and tried to recover the energy I had expended weaving in and out of the field trying to catch up to where I should be. I had tried to control my pace as I carved through the field but I knew giving everyone a 400meter headstart was not what I wanted. I stayed with the group till the finish and felt strong and controlled during the second half of the race. I finished 10 seconds off my pb time and was left with mixed emotions. On one hand I had run well and close to my best after such a bad start, but was left wondering what might have been if I hadn't been held up, if I'd not had to expend extra energy weaving through the field and if I'd been further up the field working with a faster group who would have helped pull me round to a big pb. Its really stoked a fire in my belly to show what I can do in the half marathon next weekend which is my main goal, but its always nice to break your pb. But there is always next time!!
Thursday 4th October
My runs this week have been 75% shorter than a normal week and the intensity has been dropped too. This was my last real speed based tune up before Sunday, other than a few strides I'll do on Saturday to freshen the legs. An easy run with reps of 1,2,3,3,2,1 minutes in length with half the rep time recovery. I just relaxed, concentrated on my form and got my head into the right sort of mind set ready for the race. Every thing seems ready, no niggles, I feel fit and my legs are full of bounce, and my mind is really focused on getting well inside 32 minutes on Sunday.
Tuesday 2nd October
An easy track session. I'm starting to ease back for my half marathon in Cardiff on the 14th as well as as a 10k on Sunday 7th, so this session was aimed at getting my 10k pacing wright and turning the legs over. 6 x 600, which is 2k less than normal run at my predicted pace for 10k. It was quite hard to get the pacing right as I'm used to going a lot quicker over 600 metres but by the end I had it pretty much nailed. This was followed by 4 x 100 metre accelerations, where you slowly move through the gears upping the pace every 20 metres, so by the end of the straight you are close to flat out. I enjoyed the session a lot as I felt really comfortable and its a rare feeling coming away from a session without feeling fatigued at all.
Monday, 1 October 2007
Saturday 29th September: Bushy Park 5K Time trial
Race Report:
Having trained quite hard during the week I used this race as a bit of a blow out before my bigger races that come in the next two weeks. The conditions weren't ideal due to heavy ran during the night which left the grass sections very waterlogged. I ran a solid race beating my personal best for the course but I was disappointed not to have gone under 16 minutes. Unfortunately after 1k I was out on my own and I think I got a little lazy as the race was not a big priority for me. But I won and feel there's a lot more to come in the 10k im racing in Chichester next week and the Half marathon in Cardiff the week after.
Thursday 27th September
A morning tempo session. The idea is to run at your 10k pace in order to get your body used to that tempo and to make the run hard but not at its absolute max for the distance. A 3 and a half mile loop with a five minute jog recovery in between laps. The first lap was completed comfortably in 17.06 but the second lap was a little harder. The cold air temp and strong breeze was causing my sinuses real problems. Half the lap was run with one of the worst ice cream headaches I've ever had. I was only 30
seconds slower which was good but it took a couple of hours for my head to recover. As a result of my headache I think I neglected my food and drink intake, and paid the price during my easy pm run in which I found myself falling off the back of the group and feeling weak and lightheaded. Fortunately one of my training partners always seems to have an abundance of
food at his disposal so a quick cheese sandwich and a Lucozade had me recovered quickly.
Tuesday 25th September
Having rested up to fully recover from the effects of my cold I started back on the track. A twenty minute run in the morning blew away most of the cobwebs and I felt no worse than when I started, so was confident for the main session of the day. 4 x 1 mile on the track with a quick 60 second turn around. I knocked out 5 minute miles for each rep, wary of not going too fast due to my illness. I finished feeling strong, my sinuses were giving me some pain because of the cold but it was manageable.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Thursday 20th September
Wednesdays sessions went well again, two 45 minute runs and a gym session. I was buzzing with the way the training was going and how fast and strong I was feeling. However Thursday was a different matter, my gentle 20 - 30 minute morning run was a real struggle but I felt fine within myself so set off to do my pm session of 3 x 2 miles on the road. I felt tired on my warm up which was a bad sign, but kept going and a mile into my first rep my back began to stiffen up so I stopped to stretch it out. My body was glad to stop; it felt tired and I had lost all motivation to run. I jogged back to the track feeling quite sorry for myself! As the evening progressed I started to develop a sore throat and woke up Friday morning with a full blown cold. In many ways it was a relief it was just a sniffle that had left me tired and nothing more. Having learnt a valuable lesson earlier in the summer I again took the weekend off. Just doing some stretching and eating and drinking to get the cold out of my system. A second weekend off is very frustrating but its better to miss two or three days than 1 or 2 weeks.
Tuesday 18th September
Having done an hour and a half run on the Monday following my weekend off I was feeling back to my old self so set about my normal track session. 8 x 800 meters with a minutes recovery. Having struggled the week before with a similar session I was a little wary of my lap times. However I felt relaxed and strong throughout running 1 to 2 seconds inside my goal pace and finished the session feeling that I could have done more, which is a very good sign.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Thursday 13th September
After a slow run in the morning I completed a tempo round Richmond park. A ten minute slow warm up run followed by twenty minutes of hard solid running at around 10k pace and a fifteen minute warm down. Unfortunately a stray deer on the path slowed me down. I wasn't feeling great, my legs felt heavy and I wasn't finishing the tempo section of the run feeling that I could have kept going. I had run well on Wednesday but my track session on Tuesday was tougher than it should have been. I took the decision to do a more gentle session on Friday and have the weekend off. Terrible I know! But I was beginning to feel a little run down (no pun intended!) and felt my mind as well as my body could do with a little break. Possibly I upped the intensity of my Monday and Wednesday gym sessions too much and paid for it the next day. Its very difficult walking that tightrope between pushing your body, which you always want to do in order to get better and better results, and pushing it that bit too much and having the training you do actually have a negative effect on your progress. Needless to say I had a very enjoyable, 'normal' weekend for once!
Monday 10th September
Having successfully upped my mileage I felt it was important to start re-introducing better quality and more intense gym
sessions into my programme. I'm not a big fan of gym work, I can rattle off a 20 x 400 metre track session no problem but my concentration span does not run to picking up a weight 12 times and putting it back down! I try to do exercises that work the specific muscles I use whilst running and today it was the turn of the core muscles, which amongst other things are important
in helping maintain a good running posture. By the end of the day I was shattered, two steady 45 minute runs interspersed with a two hour gym session. Added to this was an hour and a half coaching session I do with my club for kids aged between 6 and 10 years old. Unsurpisingly I was in bed before 9:30!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Saturday 8th September: Surrey Road Relay Champs
Race Report:
A 6 legged, 3 mile loop around Wimbledon that ran past the famous lawn tennis club, tacking in a steep climb away from the courts, followed by a steep descent into Wimbledon park. Today I acted as Epsom's team manager and as such allowed my men to choose what leg they wished to run. This left me on last, unfortunately by the time I started the field was so spread out I didn't see a soul all the way round, so effectively it was a time trial against the clock. I managed the sixth fastest time of the day and was only 15 seconds away from the second quickest, which was pleasing as all the athletes ahead of me were all involved in battles with one another.
Friday 7th September
This week has been tough. My legs have been quite tired and sore from the Dryhill 10 race. Lots of stretching and ice baths have helped, but it was a week where slower recovery runs were the order of the day rather than anything of real quality. By Thursday I was ready to give my legs a proper spin in preparation for the weekend. A session of 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 minute repetitions was set and my legs felt a lot better, but just lacked their normal bounce and zip.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Sunday 2nd September: Race Dry Hill 10 miles
Race Report:
With the cross country season fast approaching and a planned half marathon in early October, the Dry Hill 10 was the perfect race to incorporate both. Run mainly off road on muddy tracks and ploughed fields it was going to be a good test of my strength. Add to this a healthy number of steep climbs and an extremely testing race was assured. I decided to go off quite hard so immediately hit the front, and that was the last time I saw any of the opposition. I could hear the second placed man's footsteps till the 4 mile point but didn't turn round to look, you can't show signs of weakness! A near sprint down a steep decline and I was out of ear shot and able to relax and push on to the finish. I completed the course in 58.26 which is not that fast for 10 miles but when you take into account the under foot conditions and extremely undulating course it was a pleasing solo run, which I hope shows signs of promise for future races.
Friday 31st August
The madness of a long distance runner is never more evident than when completing a hill session on your own. Find the steepest hill that's 200 to 300 meters long and run up it 12 times! Strange looks from dog walkers and the horse riders' favourite quip, 'Its easier on the back of one of these' told me the session must be doing me some good! When it was over all that remained was the run back to the car, which is actually the part I find most difficult! I do hate a warm down.
Tuesday 28th August
Training 8 x 600. A strange session tonight, what was to be a nice relaxed session in which I was meant to feel strong and relaxed throughout turn into quite a hard run thanks to a killer stitch across my diaphragm that joined me after the first rep. I felt the exact opposite of how I should, weak and tight. Unable to take a full breath the lack of oxygen soon hit my legs, so a bit of a nightmare. Thankfully I hit all my target times even if my state at the end was not what I would have hoped. Did it do me any harm? I hope not! Did it do me any good? Who knows!
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Thursday 23rd August
I've raised my weekly mileage to around 100 a week and felt that I really need to test my speed endurance. So far I'd mixed steady runs with fast speed work and it was time to up the anti. I thought 6 x 1 mile should do it. During the final rep I was cursing myself for not setting it at 4 or 5 reps, but I hit all my time targets largely due to the help of my training partner Tom who paced me through the first 400 and last 800 of each rep. Things are looking good as long as I continue to walk the tightrope of doing enough and doing too much.
Sunday 19th August
I decided to really test my endurance and pushed my long run up to 2 hours which was a big leap from the hour and a half runs I had been doing. I was happy with how my body coped with it and i was even able to put in a hard last mile, but what pleased me more was how I coped with it mentally. I left my ipod at home to see how I'd cope, and I remained focussed throughout and only occasionally did I think about chocolate cake and sleeping in front of the telly!
Wed 15th August: Rosenheim final Kingston 3k

Result - 2nd
Race Report:
My final track race of the season. I was looking forward to this race as it brought to an end a slightly frustrating track season in which I had hoped for much but was let down by my body and my own stubbornness. The race was run in a downpour which I really enjoyed, it made me more focussed and relaxed. It was faster than I had anticipated, and with 3 laps to go I was regretting the hour's run I'd done in the morning. I had no answer to the fast last 400 of my competitor but was really pleased to come away with a 5 second personal best. It's frustrating I that I finally show some form in my last track race but it bodes well for the coming months' road races.
Sun 12th August: Midhurst 10k
Race Report:
After another solid week's work I was again hopeful of attacking my best time over 10k, it was a solid run over quite a difficult hilly 2 lap course. I finished 3rd behind two decent athletes. My legs were just missing a bit of bounce and zip, possibly a result of having the hardest and best quality months training I've ever had.
Sat 4th August - Southern Men's League Hemel Hempstead 5k
Race Report:
After training really well in the week leading up to the race I was looking forward to challenging my personal best. Unfortunately it was 30 degrees and for some reason the longest race is always scheduled at the height of the day. Not being a fan of the heat I decided to run tactically. I happily tucked in behind the leader and all was good for 5 laps when the guy in front decided he'd had enough pulled into lane 4 and slowed right down. I thought he was pulling out but soon realised he'd had enough of setting the pace. I decided two can play at being silly buggers and sprinted for 75 metres to get rid of him then settled back down and paced the race to the end. Needless to say the guy in second was not to happy with how the race went!
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Friday 27th July: The Wedding day 7k
Race Report:
Having trained hard all week and not eased up in the slightest for the race I wasn't planning to do anything silly and decided just to use the race as a tempo run. Famous last words. After a terrible start I was boxed in for over half a kilometre, then finally when a gap appeared I flew through the pack hitting the front at almost a sprint! I was joined in setting the pace by a guy who I would later discover was an Australian international triathlete. By the time I got to half way my legs felt like jelly and the controlled tempo run was out the window. I faded to fifth but managed to nab 4th place on the line. Not quite the session I wanted but at least I got a £10 fish and chip voucher out of it!!!
Wednesday 25th July - Kingston
Having done an hour's run in the morning and having had a hard track session the night before I was unsure as to whether I should race in a low key track meet in Kingston, but as I looked out of the window at the wind and rain I thought 'nothing ventured nothing gained'! I won both the 1500 and 3k races, running from the front in both. The times were acceptable, but I was more pleased with how my body is coping with a high intensity work load.
Tuesday 24th July
Unfortunately my group was a little thin on the ground for my track session, in fact I was running round in circles all on my own.
Having said that I had a really quality run. An all out 1k run followed by 6 x 300 metres. I was really pleased I was able to hit all my time targets, even though I was time trialing them all on my own. By my last rep I was exhausted I had to be carried away by one of our shot putters. Having represented Britain she had no problem hurling my shattered limp body out of the ground!
Friday, 20 July 2007
Thursday 19th July
The last session of the week. My legs were really looking forward to a day off, but they still had one more tough session before I put them to bed. 5 x 200 metres a 10 minute tempo run followed by another 5 x 200. I was a little apprehensive as to how my legs and body would handle it, but I needn't have. I felt fast and relaxed in the 200s and strong during the tempo. I was glad when the session was complete, though and I've never been so eager to dunk my legs into an ice bath before, I could have laid there for days!
Tuesday 17th July
My group ventured to the Sutton Arena to use the track and top class facilities they have. The track has a bit of a reputation for being a wind tunnel and today was no exception. Turning into the back straight almost brought you to a stand still, which meant pacing was a little difficult as there was almost a five second difference between each half lap. The session was 5 x 1k with 90 seconds jog recovery. I felt strong again like last week and was satisfied with an average of 3 minutes for each rep. I enjoyed working hard into the wind, so much I began to look forward to that windy back straight!
Saturday 14th July. Southern Men's League Portsmouth.
Race Report:
A race in which I was neither really disappointed nor pleased. Due to my first full week's hard training the week leading into the race my legs were a little tired and heavy, which resulted in a non spectacular performance. However it was a great week's work in the bank and the race was a solid enough performance, all things considered.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th July
Straight after my track session I drove down to Cornwall for a much needed change of scene. Morning runs seem so much easier running along empty beaches even if there wasn't the bright sunshine I had hoped for. My first full week's quality training for weeks safely in the bag, and now with batteries recharged I'm ready to continue the progression back home.
Tuesday 10th July
Evening track session. My group was a little thin on the ground due to a few niggles or maybe it was the thought of 15 200 metre reps! I'm not a big fan of high number rep sessions but it went well. It was my first track session for over a month I've completed and I felt strong and controlled throughout. Things are looking up!
Sunday 8th July
An 80 minute long run on Epsom Downs.
Its been a while since I felt able to manage over an hour and I didn't feel that great to start with, as I was dropped on most of the hills by my group. However after an hour I felt great and put in a hard last 2 miles dropping everyone as recompense for hurting me earlier in the run!
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Sunday 1st July. British 10k.
Race Report:
A massive race run around central London. I managed to get an entry the last minute and even got into the elite start.
It was a great experience warming up along side Stefano Baldini the Olympic marathon champion, Lonah Kiplagat the world cross country champion and not forget the awe inspiring 'Cheeky Girls'! Unfortunately my lack of fitness told on a windy day in the city and I finished a slightly disappointed 18th. I was gutted not to be in better shape to take advantage of the great field
and the amazing atmosphere of the race, which was over some of the proposed course for the Olympic marathon. I hope to get myself on that course again!
Saturday 23rd June 1500m Southern mens League.
Race Report:
Ran in the 1500m which is a sprint for me as I wanted a bit of a break from track 5k's. Considering it was run in a downpour it was quite fast, especially for me at the moment. I finished 3rd in 4.13, not great but another step back in the right direction.
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Saturday 16th June. Banstead Woods 5k.
Race Report:
Went mainly to support some friends who are helping put on this event the latest in the series of park run weekly time trial events. I managed to win, which was a bit of a surprise as I'd only done two runs since my illness. Time was a bit slow and wasn't helped my the wind rain and mud... But a win's a win!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
I'm not too good at the moment.
Unfortunately I'm not too good at the moment. I haven’t really felt 100% for a couple of weeks. I raced last Saturday and ran terribly. I was nearly a minute and a half down on what I would have wanted to be doing. Went to the Doctor who says I have some kind of virus and I’m suffering from fatigue. He's referred me to a specialist with experience working with sports people.
Having taken a few days off and I’m back running but I won’t be pushing myself 100% for the next week at least. Unfortunately the slightest illness knocks a lot out of you when you’re training hard, and although its not enough to stop me completely its taking longer to recover from sessions which aren't as fast as they should be anyway! Hopefully it'll pass quickly as I don't like to be indoors, you feel precious time is being wasted whilst everyone else is out putting the miles in…
Sunday, 13 May 2007
20th May 2007 Bognor Regis 10k
Race Report:
Less than twenty for hours later and the weather had changed to bright sunshine and the wind had died down a little. Ran a solid race finishing 3rd behind two decent athletes, the time was a little down on my best but there was a bit of a sideways wind whipping off the Channel. A reasonably pleasing weekend's work. Who needs the glamour of European road races when you can race along the promenade in Bognor, cheered on by people scoffing ice creams?! I hope to put the form I have shown in training into my races and to make serious inroads into my personal bests any time soon!
Saturday, 12 May 2007
19th May 2007 Southern Men's League, Reading
Race Report:
2nd again! The race started well as I took the pace on from the beginning reducing the field down quickly. With a key goal of dipping under 15 minutes in my head we reeled off 72 second laps. Unfortunately the weather has not been on my side in recent weeks and the strong swirling wind took its toll on me after half way as my lap times slipped and I lost the lead, but regrouped to hold on to second. I know the time's there I just need some help from the weather-man!
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
13th May 2007 Surrey Half Marathon Champs
Race Report:
I had an appalling race. After 2miles I knew something was wrong. Was with the leader at a pace that should have been comfortable but I felt terrible. Unfortunately I had 11 miles to go! Felt tired and was nearly sick, and to make matters worse my calves tightened up and it started tipping it down towards the end.
Finished 5th in 74mins. Not a great run and I spent the rest of the day ill in bed! The lunacy of the long distance runner!! The illness my have explained my lack of any zip at the end of my 5000 race on Saturday.
Saturday, 5 May 2007
12th May 2007 Surrey Track Championships, Kingston
Race Report:
Finished 3rd after a slow tactical race run in wet and windy conditions. After 6 laps at what can only be described as a pedestrian pace I hit the front and reduced the group to three.
Sadly I was unable to shake of the other two and with 800 to go was not able to respond well enough to my opponents kick. But was pleased with a bronze medal.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Monday, 30 April 2007
3rd May 2007 Dave Clark Road 5000 meters
Race Report:
Joined a few members of my new training group in having a fast tempo run before the weekends track races. Finished 4th in 15.35 after my running buddies let me do all the work for 4 1/2 k and shot past me once the finish was in sight!
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
2nd May 2007 Rosenheim League 800 & 3000 metres
Race Report:
A low key start to the track season on a warm evening in Kingston.Came 2nd, somewhat of a sprint for me and a bit of a shock for my legs but my fastest start to the season.
Followed and hour later by a solo win in the 3000 metres, not a great time but was ok given it was somewhat of a time trial.
Friday, 30 March 2007
10th April 2007 Ewell Court 5m Road Race
Race Report:
9th place!', we hear you cry! That doesn't sound like Will's form at all!
9th turned out to be pretty impressive after a disastrous start... Having been held up in traffic en route to the race, our Speedy Gonzalez arrived at the start line just as the field ran off, leaving the poor thing standing in his tracksuit. After a rapid change and slapping his number on he headed off in pursuit, weaving through the other runners. Given a huge head start, the eventual winner would have been trounced by Will, who would doubtless have won had fate not been against him on the day.
Chin up, Will. Let's see how you get on in your next few races...